Friday, January 10, 2014

Baby it IS cold outside!

This week brought sub-zero temperatures to Montgomery County and while everyone was looking for a heavier jacket and an additional blanket, your lawn and landscape faced the brunt of the brutal weather.  

I left my home in Norristown on Monday morning with a great deal of hesitation. I felt like I was Colin Kaepernick braving the winter winds at Lambeau Field while I walked 9 feet to my car.  Stopping only to open the door, I noticed small rocks littering the dormant lawn.

Magnified photo of a frozen grass blade

When we shovel snow, we are rarely thinking of the lawn, and typically just want to move the snow from the driveway and relocate it to the nearest possible spot.  The lawn seems like the ideal spot for it, and it usually is.  If you’re driveway is made of gravel or if your walkway has tiny pebbles on it, chances are they will also transfer to your lawn.  Once the snow melts, make sure to walk the lawn with a light rake and remove any unwanted debris that may have been transferred to your lawn during shoveling or plowing.  Other unwanted debris can find its way onto your lawn so make sure to do a thorough inspection once we approach March.The spring clean up is a vital part of the lawn’s success, so let’s think warm thoughts and let’s think spring!

For more timely tips, visit!

-Contributed by Harry Bambi, Sales & Service Manager

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The Frozen Tundra

While it's warmer in Siberia today than Plymouth Meeting, at Weed Man & Parkside Tree & Shrub Care, we still have plenty of tips to keep your lawn and landscape healthy all year long.  When temperatures are consistently below freezing, you can actually hurt your lawn just by walking across it.  In extreme cold breaking the crowns of the grass plants can damage it.  You'll see a brown set of footprints in the spring as the turf comes out of dormancy.

It's never too early to plan for spring! We're always planning to ensure our lawn and tree application are properly timed in order to produce the best results for the lawn and landscape.  In the meantime, have a warm drink and visit our website often for ways to enjoy your outdoor space all year long!