Thursday, February 13, 2014

What Lies Under the Snow

With a foot of fresh snow from Jenkintown to Spring City, it’s hard to recall that there’s a lawn underneath all of the snow.  Given the persistent cold weather and high quantities of snow that have fallen throughout Montgomery County this year, the odds are high you’ll see some winter damage or even snow mold, a common turf disease, on your lawn come spring.
Snow mold characterized by matted, weak turf.

            Grey and Pink Snow Mold are lawn diseases that are usually related to winter conditions and excessive snow cover.  Snow mold is encouraged when lawns are left too long over the winter, and nutrients and trace elements are lacking.  Taking a light leaf rake to the affected areas and properly fertilizing the turf will help the turf recover.  For additional tips on helping your lawn recover from winter damage, follow this link to our website.