Saturday, April 18, 2015

Here Come the Weeds Again...

Spring has finally sprung from Hatboro to Phoenixville, which means broadleaf weeds are back as well.  Here's some tips to help ensure the weeds, like wild onion, clover, and dandelion and nowhere to be seen on your lawn:

  • Promoting a healthy lawn is the best defense against having severe weed problems.
  •  Proper mowing and watering, regular fertilization and core cultivation when necessary are key ingredients in building a healthy lawn. 
  • Most broadleaf weeds that invade lawns can be effectively controlled with the use of selective weed control materials that are currently available. 
Special attention and care is often needed to control certain types of persistent weeds.  In some cases, it may be necessary to rotate in different types of weed control to ensure the most effective, season-long control.