Friday, July 31, 2015

Thank Goodness It's Fall!!

TGIF! Well, maybe we're jumping the gun a little, but as August hits, it's the perfect time to prepare your lawn for fall.  Fall is a great time to control any active, stubborn weeds as well as aerate your lawn.  The soils from Huntington Valley to Skippack have very dense, clay soil.  This constricts the flow of air, water, and nutrients from reaching the root zone.  Core aeration helps alleviate soil compaction while exposing the thatch layer to air and water allowing it to decompose to a healthier level, typically 2/10".

Reduce thatch, alleviate soil compaction, and strengthen you root system by aerating this fall

Monday, July 13, 2015

Grubs...Coming to A Yard Near You

While it's yearly exercise to battle white grubs in your lawn in Southeastern Pa in July, in 2015, we're seeing a rise beetle activity which will relate to a banner year for grubs come the fall.  The excessive moisture we've received has been helpful for the lawns, but it will also help grub eggs survive the summer at a better pace and hatch come late August.  In addition, the moisture will also mask any stress the grubs' feeding can cause.  This will make the damage, come September, to suddenly appear, when, in fact, it's been happening over a number of weeks.  Learn more about controlling white grubs on our website.

All species of grubs will be active this fall in Southeastern PA